Friday, August 13, 2010


~36 hours until I've left NYC for good. Expect an update then. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I suck!

At updating, that is! So much has gone on, and the days have passed more and more quickly, it's all a blur now! So tired that I won't even bother to update right now.... But some great stuff has happened... and this is extremely uninformative! Nearly just a month now until my senior year starts again, and about 23 days until I leave NYC for good :(. Going to try and make the most of it! And sleep too; night!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Skip to... next weekend?

Wow is it really the next weekend already? Summer is getting faster and faster! :( But with the passing days, there's always more fun to be had :).

I'm probably too tired to write this... I just woke up after only ~2 hours of sleep to sit in line for student rush tickets for... Promises, Promises! Very excited to see Sean Hayes and Kristen Chenoweth, two actors I actually know fairly well for once. This week has been filled with show after show, and I am loving it! And surprisingly, my bank account has been holding up to the pressure, too... Having steady income is great!

Incidentally, work is getting so enjoyable now that I have been hard pressed to leave at the end of the day! It's always this way with me... I am either uninterested/bored with a topic and perform half-assedly and in no hurry, lethargically even, or I start to get into the task at hand and get a little obsessed with it, doing probably a little more work or putting a little too much effort into it than is necessary... Well I'm at the latter stage for right now. I can tell there's a sweet spot in between those two modes, but I always transition so quickly from one to the other, I can never stay there long at the apex of my overall efficiency. Alas.. at least I'm enjoying it more now; much better than before. But for example, yesterday, having come in late, I had to stay late as well, but I just kept on going and would have worked all night had it not been for the fact that 1) I had plans and 2) everyone else had left since it was Friday and I needed to collaborate with others to continue! Hah.

I can't much remember what I did Wednesday, but Thursday evening, Bloomberg sponsored a intern networking event where I met some more people. They had free beer (I think I actually like Sapporo!) and hors d'oeuvres and gave out free sustainably-made intern t-shirts (love Bloomberg's green efforts) and played music as if to make it into something like a dance rave... Including this freaky on-acid YouTube video that I have yet to track down... Pictures soon. (I always promise, but never follow through v_v)

That evening I decided on a whim to see The Fantasticks off-Broadway, since I've heard of the show so much but didn't know a thing about it. Much more of an old-style theatre play, considering it is 50 years old, and has been running since its opening - longest running show in the world. The off-Broadway venue and audience was small, and laughter was sparse when it was wanted... seemed much less like a NYC play than the others I've seen. But I still enjoyed it.

The plans I mentioned above for Friday night were in fact that Mike is here for the weekend! He's currently asleep after last night... Going to let him for a while. He arrived last night, we ate at Così and went to the show we were going to see... Naked Boys Singing. XD It was good! Short, one act, but funny, and definitely entertaining! They were of course very strict with rules with such "Gratuitous Nudity" abound. It was interesting to look around and see the audience that came to see the show: a cohort of older fawning Asian ladies with matching fans, a disgruntled boyfriend dragged there by his girl, and even apparently old businessmen types? :) The soundtrack, though, I have to say, was very good for such a show! They didn't sell it there but I'll definitely be obtaining it somehow. Funny stuff.

After seeing that we went to Kevin's apartment (co-intern from Bloomberg) to see other Bloombergers (Bloom Burgers?) and the like. And then we returned home to see Kristen and Maria, with whom we will be seeing the show tonight, before collapsing and getting ready for... today! We'll probably hit a few museums and then see the show... and maybe we'll go to Rush (again). Until then! (nap)